Recognised by key policy makers as a key point of reference for social entrepreneurship in the country.

Main Partner of the Yunus Centre (of Nobel Peace Laureate Prof Muhammad Yunus) in developing social business particularly among the youth, Also part of the Asian Social Business Network

Founding member and only non academic member of the Social Business Network promoting research and development in social business

We are super fun! We put the joy in social entrepreneurship and are dedicated to care for youths in the long term
(North America)
SIBF (Society of International Business Fellows) is the parent organization of SEALA. Formed in the US by a group of CEOs, corporate executives and leading entrepreneurs about 40 years ago to bridge the gap between regions. SEALA was developed to manage South Asia and South East Asia.
Singapore International Foundation
The Singapore International Foundation uplifts lives and creates greater understanding between Singaporeans and world communities through shared ideas
NICE (Indonesia)
NICE Indonesia exists to strengthen communities and organizations through capacity building in managing funds, creating strong impact programs,and human development services to create a better Indonesia.