Discover Muay Thai (DMT)

Discover Muay Thai (DMT) is a venture built by myHarapan and ran independently by all its founding members who were also myHarapan employees, within 2 years. It followed a similar pathway from incubation to accelerator, though the mentoring and coaching was more intensive during the first 3 years. myHarapan holds equity in the organization and still provides mentoring when and where required.
DMT is a pioneer in Sports Social Business, empowering underserved youths to become contributing citizens through the martial art of Muay, and includes them in the DMT value chain (trainers, marketeers, fighters etc). They were established in 2014. The are currently expanding to create and enhance sosio-economic opportunities for retired/retiring athletes.
What is their impact?
3 Gyms (1 with full academy facilities accommodations) and developed digital fitness classes
46 Youth-at-risk trained with 95% success rate (back in school or in gainful employment). 7 are now Muay fighters.
Trained 80 trainers to professionalise smaller gym operations also using social business
Targeting to train over 200 midsized gym owners to become Social Businesses
Recognised by the International Olympic Committee, IFMA Awart and a partner for their Sports is your Gang initiative.
100% success rate (the participants are either working or are back in school)
Over 350 customers trained by the team
Awards and acknowledgements
Best Youth Development Award (IFMA-WMC 2016)
ASEAN Rice Bowl Startup Awards 2016
Malaysia’s Top 10 Most Empowering Young Community Champion 2017
Impact-Driven Enterprise Accreditation